Exposito-Alonso, M., 500 Genomes Field Experiment Team, Burbano, H. A., Bossdorf, O., Nielsen, R., Weigel, D. (2019) Natural selection on the Arabidopsis thaliana genome in present and future climates. Nature, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1520-9

  • There are two connected Arabidopsis platforms to store phenotype, AraPheno, and GWAs data, AraGWAs. We say in the availability statement that our data is stored in AraGWAs and provide a link

Exposito-Alonso, M.*, Becker, C.*, Schuenemann, V.J., Reitter, E., Setzer, C., Slovak, R., Brachi, B., Hagmann, J., Grimm, D.G., Jiahui, C., Busch, W., Bergelson, J., Ness, R.W., Krause, J., Burbano, H.A., Weigel, D., (2018). The rate and effect of new mutations in a colonizing plant lineage. PLOS Genetics, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1007155 | (2016) bioRxiv, https://doi.org/10.1101/050203

  • In Table S1, the herbarium acronym “UNC” stands for University of North Carolina. Its official herbarium code is “NCU”.

  • In Table 1, the aminoacid change of SNP Chr4–9,046,942 (C->G), should read H(Histidine)>Q(Glutamine) rather than A>Q.